Below you will find a list of exciting technology RSS Feeds I subscribed to and added to the Web 2.0 tool Google Reader. I included five RSS Feeds where the primary focus was on Integrating Technology into the classroom.
Choose five (5) RSS feeds to follow for your professional purposes. For your first blog post, list your choices along with a description of why you chose the feed and how it is important to your profession. You are writing to inform your audience about the particular site. Link either the title or text within your description to the original site for reader access.
PBS Teachers Andy Carvin takes a long hard look at how the new Web 2.0 tools is changing the way we teach and learn
iLearn Technology. This site contains a variety of resourceful ways a teacher can integrate technology into the classroom.
The Savvy Technologist. This site has a wealth of information for anyone working in the technology educational field and want to stay current on the k the latest technology trends.
Free Technology for Teachers. I am excited about this blog site because I can see where it can be very resourceful. There are many technology integration projects on this blog.